Log Record Fields
Each Log record provides detailed information about a specific event or operation. Below is a table of the fields in a Log record:
Field API Name | Label | Type | Description |
CreatedById | Created By ID | User | ID of the user who created the log entry. |
CreatedDate | Created Date | Datetime | Date and time when the log entry was created. |
Id | Record ID | ID | Unique identifier for the log entry. |
IsDeleted | Deleted | Boolean | Indicates if the log record is deleted. |
LastModifiedById | Last Modified By ID | User | ID of the user who last modified the log entry. |
LastModifiedDate | Last Modified Date | Datetime | Date and time when the log entry was last modified. |
LastReferencedDate | Last Referenced Date | Datetime | Date and time when the log entry was last referenced. |
LastViewedDate | Last Viewed Date | Datetime | Date and time when the log entry was last viewed. |
Name | Log Name | String | Auto-generated name for the log entry. |
OwnerId | Owner ID | Group/User | ID of the user or group who owns the log entry. |
Plinqx__Additional_URL_Params__c | Additional URL Params | Textarea | URL parameters passed for the inbound or outbound call. |
Plinqx__Category__c | Category | String | Category of the log entry, used for classification. |
Plinqx__Direction__c | Direction | Picklist | Indicates whether the log is for an Inbound or Outbound event. |
Plinqx__Event_Id__c | Event Id | String | Identifier for the associated event. |
Plinqx__Event_Name__c | Event Name | String | Name of the event associated with the log entry. |
Plinqx__HTTP_Method__c | HTTP Method | Picklist | HTTP method used (e.g., GET, POST, etc.). |
Plinqx__Log_Type__c | Log Type | Picklist | Type of log (e.g., Info, Debug, Error, Action). |
Plinqx__Named_Credential__c | Named Credential | String | Named credential used for the event, if configured. |
Plinqx__Payload__c | Payload | Textarea | Payload received or sent in JSON format. |
Plinqx__Request_Counter__c | Request Counter | Double | Counter for the number of requests associated with the log entry. |
Plinqx__Response__c | Response | Textarea | Response of the call, indicating OK or ERROR. |
Plinqx__Response_Status_Code__c | Response Status Code | String | HTTP response status code received or generated. |
Plinqx__Service_Event_Id__c | Service/Event Id | String | Identifier for the service or event associated with the log entry. |
Plinqx__Transaction__c | Transaction | Plinqx__Transaction__c | Link to the associated transaction record. |
Plinqx__Type__c | Type | Picklist | Type of response or action logged (e.g., Response, Request). |
Plinqx__URI__c | URI | String | URI of the transaction or event associated with the log. |
Plinqx__URL__c | URL | String | URL of the transaction or event associated with the log. |
SystemModstamp | System Modstamp | Datetime | Date and time when the log entry was last modified by the system. |
This table presents a comprehensive overview of the fields within a Log record in Plinqx, detailing the extensive information captured for monitoring and analysis purposes. Understanding these fields is key to effectively managing and interpreting log data, providing insights into the operation and health of your Plinqx integrations.